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Companies are Outsourcing their IT Services in 2020 Faster Than Ever Before - Why?

Technology continues to be the number one force changing the face of business today, for companies of all sizes.

The recent crisis has accelerated the transition to digital operations. Companies must decide if this means growing their in-house capabilities or outsourcing.

What we are hearing from customers is that cost is the primary driver to consider outsourced IT Services, especially for companies under 500 employees.

With the shifts in demand, companies are looking for ways to reduce their overhead while they improve service delivery. Outsourcing solves the problem in a couple of ways, primarily by shifting costs.

Labor costs of maintaining a large in-house IT department continues to grow. The most basic tech support specialists in the United States earn an average of $46,420 annually. Most other systems analysts and programmers earn upwards of $80,000 every year. To build a team to handle specialized digital transformations, companies are outsourcing costs. Employing a company dedicated to providing IT support services, on the other hand, brings highly skilled workers at a fraction of the labor-related costs.

Additionally, the costs and complexity of installing and maintaining IT infrastructure is extremely pricey. Outsourcing allows you to turn fixed costs into variable costs and manage what you actually need right now.

By outsourcing IT support services, companies are freeing up valuable internal resources, protecting their data assets, and focusing on projects that matter the most – driving their business.

By: Marguerite Fleming, Chief Growth Catalyst, GrowthFinder Pro

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